Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mgt111 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mgt111 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Total Questions 64

MCQs 57

Long Qs 7

Why does the parliament have the custody of Federal Consolidated Fund? (3)

Why feedback is an important factor of communication? (3)

An organization constantly receives feedback from its stakeholders. In your view, what can be the benefits of feedback for an organization? (3)

What are the different recruitment sources from where appointments in district government took place? (3)

How does the 'market factor' create differences between a Public and a Private Sector? (5)

What factors should be considered by the management to improve the effectiveness of organizational communication? (5) 

What are the main principles of audit as per Article 169 of the Constitution of 1973? (5)

What are the different functions of general management as suggested by Allison? Briefly explain each function. (5)

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