Friday, February 18, 2011

Mgmt625 HRM625 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mgmt625 HRM625 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

1. How Winter relate QMM to evolutionary theory of change? 3
2. Discuss organization control system? 3
3. Environment creep and organizational creep? 3
4. Pettigrew and whipp's what organizational factor affect process of change? 3
5. Allex miller's metaphore statement? 5
6. Basic assumptions of Burke Litwin model? 5

Another Paper:

1- List down the features of incremental model? 3marks
2- Briefly discuss the importance of shared values in organizational change? 3marks
3- What does mean by deep structures in organization in context of incrementalisam? 3 marks
4- How do transformational leaders influence the technological change process in an organization? 5 Marks
5- Why the participative approach is comparable to the OD model and which techniques are used to implement change? 5 Marks
6- In what ways organizational change is considered as problematic process? 5 marks

Another Paper:

1. Differentiate between Functional Strategy and Process Strategy. 3 Marks
2. What do you know about Burke Litwin Model of Organizational Change?
3 Marks
3. Why Participative approach is considered as a mean of Recognition?
3 Marks
4. What impact Transactional Leaders have on the technological change process in the organization? 5 Marks
5. How can you distinguish between inappropriate innovation and episodic innovation? 5 Marks
6. Discuss the situation in which Unilateral change approach is more effective? 5 Marks

Another Paper:

1. Assumptions of grainer model
2. Role of middle management and change process
3. Problems of a large hierarchical level organization
4. Differentiate convergent period from reorientation
5. Role of dialectical cycle
6. Turf protection
7. Sources of SOC with example

Another Paper:

1) Environmental creep and organizational creep 3 marks
2) Describe 3 dimensions of incremental model 3 marks
3) What does mean by deep structures in organization in context of incrementalisam 5marks
4) Describe transitional leader 3 marks
5) Describe dimensions of strategic change 5 marks
6) Briefly describe turf privacy 5marks
7) Dialectical theory 5 marks

Another Paper:

*How many types of organizational changes in P-E Model 5*
*Force-field Analysis of a Lather Company 5*
*Difference between selection and adaptation 5*
*Important aspects of inner and outer context 5*
*Momentum in terms of change 3*
*Describe emergent approach 3*
*Difference b/w functional strategy and Process strategy 3*
*Issues of Organizational Ecological Model 3 *

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