Wednesday, December 1, 2010

CS507 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sources of information are generally categorized as -------------------------
All of above
1.2 Sources of Information
Sources of information are generally categorized as primary, secondary or tertiary depending on their originality and their proximity to the source or origin.

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Sources of information are generally categorized in different types depending on their originality and their proximity to the source or origin.


1.2 Sources of Information
Sources of information are generally categorized as primary, secondary or tertiary depending on their originality and their proximity to the source or origin.

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Manufacturing process involves more than one sub-process.
1. Manufacturing Sector
Manufacturing process involves more than one sub-processes, detailed information is required before transferring materials for warehousing, manufacturing and sale to final consumer. 

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

The organization refers to a organizational structure with few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers is called------------------------

Hierarchical organization
Pyramid Organization
Flat organization refers to an organizational structure with few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers. 
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

An information system that automatically generates report on regular basis and are not used to monitor input or activities called

Closed loop system
Closed end System
7.3.1 Open-Loop System
The determinant factor is in an open loop system is that the information from the system not used for control purpose. This is done by using the output to generate feed back for control purposes.
• The output is not coupled to the input for measurement.
• Hence the components of open loop system do not include control and feedback mechanism due to
non-existence of internally defined objectives. That is,
An information system that automatically generates report on regular basis and are not used to monitor
input or activities. 

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Every system comprises of basic components which in a co-ordination formulate a system.
_ True
8.1 Components of a system
Every system comprises of basic components which in a coordination formulate a system. 
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

---------- simply means a particular technique of directing one's attention in learning, discovery or problem solving.



Heuristic simply means a particular technique of directing one's attention in learning, discovery or problem solving. It assists in non-routine decision making process due to powerful analytical abilities.
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

------- seek to put intelligence into the hardware in the form of generalized capability to learn. 

Fuzzy logic
Neural Network vs. Expert System
Expert systems seek to model a human expert's way of solving problems. They are highly specific to seeking solutions. Neural networks do not model human intelligence. They seek to put intelligence into the hardware in the form of generalized capability to learn. 
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Prototyping is the process of quickly putting together a working model in order to test various aspects of the design to gather early user feedback.

21.2 Prototyping
"Prototyping is the process of quickly putting together a working model in order to test various aspects of the design to gather early user feedback."

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of prototyping? 

Incremental Model
The incremental model is a method of software/ Information System development where the model is designed, implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished. It involves both development and maintenance. This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the philosophy of
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Management information system (AIS) is that linked to all the information systems in an organization. 

Accounting information system (AIS) is linked to all the information systems in an organization. 
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Technical Reports are examples of _________ resource.
Some examples of primary sources: 1. Scientific journal articles reporting experimental research results 
2. Proceedings of Meetings, Conferences.
3. Technical reports
4. Dissertations or theses (may also be secondary)
5. Patents

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Organizations are distinguished on the basis of __________
Organizations can be distinguished on the basis of various criteria. These are as follows.
• Organizational structure
• Culture of the Organizations
• Management Style
• Decision Making Style 
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
________ are run under direct supervision of family members.
Small Organization
Large Organization
Medium sized organizations are run under direct supervision of the family members which rarely extends to segregation of duties and delegation of authority.
 Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In _____ there are low number of subordinates per person.
Flat Structure
Modern Structure
(need to  be solved)
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following structure contains less number of management levels?
Tall Structure
Classical structure
Following are the characteristics of a flat organization.
• High number of subordinates per supervisor
• Short of chain of command
• Less number of levels

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 )


Define TQM? 
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 )
What are the conglomerate organizations?
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 2 )
What aspects should be covered by design of information flow?
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 3 )
How the chief executive is elected in any organization and what are his responsibilities?
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 5 )
Identify the basic purpose of DFD and Identify the steps of Designing a DFD for any process?
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 10 )
Discuss the purpose of Feasibility Study? Discuss key areas?

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