Monday, December 6, 2010

HRM624 Mgmt624 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

total questions 23
18 mcqs
1. how to analyze interest of agent and advocates? 3 marks
2. in which situation avoiding is the best way for conflict resolution. discuss. 3 marks
3. how conflict gamers are different from conflict professionals. 5 marks
4. illustrate the components of the conflict onion 5 marks.
5. in which situation competitive style of negotiation may be possible, justify? 5 marks

HRM624 Mgmt624 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Today was my paper of HRM 624 Conflict managment..
Total 23 questions...
18 Mcqs
5 question...2 question 3 marks k and 3 question 5 marks k..Questions are
what basic point should be consider before consulting an interest tree?
How conflict gamers are different from conflict professionals?/
Describe a situation(organization) where jakpot syndrome is making hardule in resolving conflict..justify-
How can we analyze the interest of agents and advocates?/
Describe in which avoiding may be the best apporach to conflict resolution.??

SOLUTION of Above Questions:
what basic point should be consider before consulting an interest tree?
Tips for Interest TreesAn interest tree must include following points:
1. There must always be needs – other elements are optional
2. There may be multiple levels of underlying interests
3. Each position, aspiration, interest, and principle/value rectangle must logically relate (directly orindirectly) to one or more need rectangles
4. Don't confuse interests with facts or contentions
How can we analyze the interest of agents and advocates?/
Interests analysis of agents and advocatesAn interest analysis should explore the interests, values, and needs of the agents and advocates on all sidesof the conflict. The principal reason that interests' analysis should include the agents and advocates of one'steam is to clarify whether they have problematic conflicts of interest with their principal.Better understand the complexities of what is motivating the "other team" and develop coping strategies.Develop understanding of motivators of other team members and strategize to cope with such conflicts.
How conflict gamers are different from conflict professionals?/
Conflict gamers
Conflict gamers love interpersonal conflict and feel the most alive when up to their necks in it. They don't seem to meet to prepare for a negotiation- their innate personality and temperament alone seem to be preparation enough. They jump at the chance for a rumble. In a negotiation, they seem utterly fearless. They are always ready to inflict punishment on their adversaries. After litigation is over, win or loose, over drinks or lunch conflict gamers express what a profound pleasure it all was, what a rush, and how it resembled the happy days, they once spent in high school.
Conflict professionals
Conflict diagnosis is also for conflict professionals and professionals-in-training seeking to enrich theirunderstanding of their field. For example for a lawyer, a judge, a paralegal etc. the course will help a lot indiagnosing conflict and applying ADR techniques for conflict management. Applying theses techniques toconflicts enable conflict professionals to find the magic keys to unlocking their clients' potential power tosettle their differences.

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