Friday, December 10, 2010

Fin630 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

Fin630 Mid Term Current Paper (Dec 2010)

18 MCQs 
(all were new mostly related with fundamental, technical analysis etc i think mostly from chapter 5 to 20)

5 subjective questions:

1. what is the difference between a load fund and non-load fund ? 3 marks
2. why P/E ratios tends to be high when interest rate and inflation is low? 3 marks
3. why the industry analysis is valuable? 5 marks
4. why there is a need of technical analysis when fundamental analysis study everything from the overall economy and industry condition to the financial condition and management of companies? 5 marks

5. State any 5 objectives of studying balance sheet in fundamental analysis. 5 marks

Another Paper:

Following are the descriptive questions of my today's FIN630 paper

1. What is meant by NAT (Net Asset Value)? (Marks 3)
2. Why P/E ratio tends to be high, when interest and inflation rates are low? (Marks 5)
3. State the five objectives of studying balance sheet in fundamental analysis? (Marks 5)
4. Keeping in view the business cycle, which type of industry is the most sensitive to economical changes? (Marks 5)
5. Determine how technical analysis is used in Dow theory? (Marks 3)

Another Paper:

Total question = 23 
MCQ =18 
2 question = 3 number 
3 question = 5 number 
Q#19 Describe the various sources of information available at the Library? 
Q#20 Why it is diffecult to classify industry? (3) 
Q#21 Keeping in view the business cycle, describe which industries are most 
sensitive to changes in the economy? Give two examples (5) 
Q#22 Why there is a need of Technical analysis, When fundamental analysts 
study everything from the overall economy and industry conditions to the 
financial condition and management of componies? (5) 
Q#23 Investors should lower the rate of expected return in order to adjust 
for higher risk in common stock. Do you agree with this ststement? Justify 
your answer 

*Old* *papers main say koi mcq nahi aya. sab new thay*

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