Friday, February 11, 2011

Mkt501 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

Mkt501 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)

total 69 mcq

3 question , of 3 marks
4 questions of 5 marks.

all mcq's repeated.

1. Differentiate between Operationalization and Conceptualization
2. name selling techniques.
3. how can a company motivate channel members.
4. how automation systems can be used to see the performance of the sales force.
5.Differentiate between observational and experimental technique in marketing research.
6.Differentiate between public relation and publicity.
7. factors which can influence change in price of a product.

Another Paper:

Question. By how many way information is trasmitted to a large numbers of customers through mass media?
Question. while marketing a conjoint analysis Mr. Ali come across that it is not working well in assessing the customer acceptance to the new product. He is of the view taht there is a fault while running the whole process of conjoint analysis being the student of management science .............? 
Question. What are the activity included in the nonseeling time of sale person?
Question. How vertical marketing system differ from horizental marketing system.
Question. Describe the common advantage and disadvantage of observational research.
Question. Describe teh scope and requiremetn for conduction the quantitive marketing research.
Question. Enlist the inbound and outbound operation. Which are performed in the process of supply chain management.

Another Paper:

MKT 501 

Question. Different business situation where we can find Negotiation.
Question. How retailer use technology for improving their performance.
Suppose you are going to buy an item which is offered for Rs.5000.
these situations? There is 10% discount, There is 10% surcharge
Calculate price you are going to pay for the item in each case?
How vertical marketing system differ from horizental marketing sysetm
Nokia is market leader and Sony Ericson ............ age ne ata
Sale refor to as a systematic of repethe and measurable milestones by which a saleperson retailes hes offer enabling the buyer how to achieve the goal/

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