Tuesday, November 9, 2010

STA630 Assignment No.1 solution

1. Describe the hallmarks of scientific research.
Answer : 
1. The hallmarks of scientific research ; 
• Purposiveness 
• Rigor 
• Testability 
• Replicability 
• Precision and Confidence 
• Objectivity 
• Generalizability 
• Parsimony 
The manager also realizes that although organizational research cannot offer 100 percent accuracy in results, choices and trade-offs among the various criteria of scientific investigation can be made to obtain valid results for good decision making. 

The problem had to be attended to very quickly and the results are expected to be fairly accurate with at least 85 percent chance of success in problem solving. The friendly telephone company solving the problem based on the hallmarks of scientific research.


Successful managerial decisions are seldom made on hunches or on trail and error method. The sound and effective decisions are always made on the basis of scientific research. Scientific research focuses on solving problems in a step _by _step logical, organized and rigorous manner in each step of research viz., identifying problem, gathering data, analyzing it and in arriving at a valid conclusion. Organizations may not always be involved in the scientific research due to various reasons like - simple problems which can solved with previous experience, time contingency, lack of knowledge, resource constraints etc., However the scientific research performed in a rigorous and systematic way leads to repeatable and comparable research findings. It also enables the researchers to arrive at accurate, dependable and subjective findings. The hallmarks or distinguishing characteristic features of scientific research are as follows:

The research is conducted with a purpose. It has a focus. The purpose of the research should be clearly mentioned in an understandable and unambiguous manner. The statement of the decision problem should include its scope, its limitations and the precise meaning of all words and terms significant to the research. Failure to mention the purpose clearly will raise doubts in the minds of stakeholders of the research as to whether the researcher has sufficient understanding of the problem. 

Rigor means carefulness, scrupulousness and the degree of exactness in research investigation. In order to make a meaningful and worthwhile contribution to the field of knowledge, research must be carried out rigorously. Conducting a rigorous research requires a good theoretical knowledge and a clearly laid out methodology. This will eliminate the bias; facilitate proper data collection and analysis, which in turn would lead to sound and reliable research findings. 

Research should be based on testable assumptions/hypotheses developed after a careful study of the problems involved. The scientific research should enable the testing of logically developed hypotheses to see whether or not the data collected support the hypotheses developed. 

Research findings would command more faith and credence if the same results are evolved on different set of data. The results of the test hypothesis should be supported again and again when the same type of research is repeated in other similar circumstances. This will ensures the scientific nature of the research conducted and more confidence could be placed in the research findings. It also eliminates the doubt that the hypotheses are supported by chance and ensures that the findings reflect the true state of affairs.

Precision and Confidence
In management research the findings are seldom definitive due to the fact that the universe of items, events or population are not taken as such but based on sample drawn from universe. There is a probability that the sample may not reflect the universe. Measurement errors and other problems are bound to introduce an element of error in the findings. However the research design should ensure that the findings are as close to the reality as possible so that one can have confidence in the findings.

Precision refers to the closeness of the finding to 'reality' based on sample. It reflects the degree of accuracy or exactitude of the results on the basis of the sample to what exactly is in the universe. The confidence interval in statistics is referred here as precision.

Confidence refers to the probability that the estimation made in the research findings are correct. It is not enough if the results are precise but it is also important to claim that 95% of the time the results would be true and there is only a 5% chance of the results being wrong. This is known as confidence level.

If the precision and confidence levels of the research findings are higher then the findings of the research study would be more scientific and useful. Precision and confidence can be attained through appropriate scientific sampling design. 

Research finding should be factual, databased and free from bias. The conclusion drawn should be based on the facts of the findings derived form the actual data and not on the basis of subjective or emotional values. Business organizations will suffer a greater extent of damage if a non-data-based or misleading conclusion drawn from the research is implemented. Scientific approach ensures objectivity of research.

It refers to the scope of applying the research findings of one organizational setting to other settings of almost similar nature. The research will be more useful if the solutions are applicable to a wider range. The more generlizable the research, the greater will be its usefulness and value. However it is not always possible to generalize the research findings to all other settings, situations or organizations. For achieving genaralizability the sampling design has to be logically developed and data collection method needs to be very sound. This may increase the cost of conducting the research. In most of the cases though the research findings would be based on scientific methods it is applicable only to a particular organization, settings or situations.

Research needs to be conducted in a parsimonious i.e. simple and economical manner. Simplicity in explaining the problems and generalizing solutions for the problems is preferred to a complex research framework. Economy in research models can be achieved by way of considering less number of variables leading to greater variance rather than considering more number of variables leading to less variance. Clear understanding regarding the problem and the factors influencing the same will lead to parsimony in research activities. The sound understanding can be achieved through structured and unstructured interview with the concerned people and by undertaking a study of related literature in the problem area.

The scientific research in management area cannot fulfill all the above-discussed hallmarks to the fullest extent. In management research it is not always possible to conduct investigations that are 100% scientific like in physical science as it is difficult to collect and measure the data regarding the feelings, emotions, attitudes and perception. It is also difficult to obtain representative sample; these aspects restrict the generlizability of the findings. Though it is not possible to meet all the above said characteristics of the scientific research, to the extent possible the research activities should be pursued in the scientific manner.

Assignment 1 Dated: Nov 05, 10
Semester "Fall 2010" 
"Research Methods(STA630) 
"This is to inform that next Assignment (covering video lecture no. 1 to lecture no 15)will be uploaded on VULMS according to the following schedule 


Opening Date and Time November 08, 2010 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time November 12, 2010 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.


1. For acquiring the relevant knowledge, do not rely only on handouts but watch the course video lectures, which can be downloaded for free from Online VU Lectures, and also use other reference books. 
2. For planning your semester activities in an organized manner, you are advised to view schedule of upcoming Assignments, Quizzes and GDBs in the overview tab of the course website on VU-LMS.

"ABC co."

ABC Co., a $600 million company, having a large customer base and vertically integrated was dealing in skin care products. In year 2005, it started losing its core strength i.e. a large
customer base. In CEO's point of view the main cause of the loss was internal organizational rather than external. The company wanted to pinpoint the specific problem and take corrective actions. Consultants were hired to find the reason and solve the problem of internal organizational issues and its consequences on customer base.

The problem was supposed to be attended very quickly; the researchers developed a theoretical base, collected relevant detailed information from a sample of 25 employees and 100
customers. The both researches were supposed to be carried side by side and the results were supposed to be merged for final conclusion. The results were expected to have 90% chance of success in problem solving. The consultants were required to recommend the solution on the basic of data analyzed by researchers.

To what extent this case meets the hallmarks of scientific investigation? Discuss.

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